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This field is used to inject once all the elements in common between each Micro Frontend.


stylesheets represents an optional list of .css files that could be used to define a common set of icons, or style your Micro Frontends.


importMap defines a way to control the behavior of JavaScript imports, allowing you to exclude third-party dependencies from your bundle and import them at runtime just once.
Despite it is still a proposal, and only Chrome directly supports it, orchy installs a polyfill to enable the support to all the other browsers and solve this issue.

The content of this field is the same as a standard import map.

Take a look at the dedicated tutorial to better understand how to configure it.


When it will be supported out-of-the-box by all the major browsers, the polyfill will be removed.

The data model of this field will always be aligned with the standard specification.

common configuration example

Here is a full example of the common field configuration.

"common": {
"stylesheets": [
"importMap": {
"imports": {
"react": "",
"react-dom": ""

In plain english, it means that: firstly, once the web component is loaded, the bootstrap css will be injected in the page.

Secondly, all the JavaScript modules that will need to load react or react-dom will redirected to the relative dependency from